Aventura Waorani
¡Ven y descubre la magia que los Waorani tienen para compartir con el mundo! ¿Estás listo para embarcarte?
La Amazonía ecuatoriana se presenta como una oportunidad inigualable para los amantes de las aves, siendo considerada uno de los puntos de mayor biodiversidad en el planeta, un auténtico "hot spot" que alberga aproximadamente 1,000 especies de aves en una variedad de hábitats que abarcan desde densos bosques hasta lagunas y espacios abiertos. Entre nuestros destinos en la Amazonía ecuatoriana se encuentran el Parque Nacional Yasuní, el Territorio Waorani, la Reserva de Biosfera Yasuní, la Reserva Biológica Limoncocha, el Territorio Shuar Cultural Center, la Laguna Taracoa, entre otros. Nuestros guías nativos, dotados de un oído excepcional y una vista aguda, poseen la habilidad de detectar y nombrar numerosas especies que habitan en el bosque. Puede sentirse honrado por su destreza al identificarlas y nombrarlas, ya que conocen a la perfección los lugares donde se esconden y las llamadas que utilizan. Por esta razón, recomendamos levantarse temprano, disfrutar de un buen desayuno y adentrarse en el bosque al amanecer, momento en el que las aves están más activas, para aumentar las posibilidades de avistar una mayor diversidad de especies.
Group size: 2 – 10
Día 1
Después de un corto vuelo comercial de 30 minutos, serás cálidamente recibido por nuestro guía especializado en aves. Serás trasladado desde el aeropuerto al Hotel Auca Check-In, donde recibirás las instrucciones necesarias antes de comenzar tus visitas. Después del almuerzo, te dirigirás al Jardín Botánico El Moretal, donde podrás observar varias especies que habitan la ciudad, incluyendo el Jacamar de Orejas Blancas, el Nunbird de Frente Negra y el Carpintero de Cresta Amarilla. Más tarde, serás trasladado al puerto Malecón de la ciudad, donde abordarás una lancha motorizada para visitar Yasuní Land, adentrándote en la selva para experimentar la vida de las aves en las copas de los árboles desde una torre de 35 metros de altura. Hasta ahora, se han registrado aquí 90 especies coloridas, incluyendo el Milano de Doble Diente, el Búho de Anteojos, el Chachalaca Salpicada y el Gavilán de Camino. El día terminará con una caminata de observación de aves nocturnas. Finalmente, regresaremos al hotel para cenar.
Día 2
4:00 a. m.: Desayuno. Salimos por tierra y, en menos de una hora, llegaremos a la Laguna Taracoa, donde se llevará a cabo la observación de aves mientras remamos en canoas a lo largo de la laguna y caminamos por senderos. Por la tarde, visitarás la Laguna Limoncocha, donde se avistan más de 280 especies de aves diariamente. Designada como sitio Ramsar, es un paraíso para las aves de laguna como Garzas, Cardenales, Atrapamoscas, Tangaras, Tucanes y más. Regreso al hotel para cenar.
Día 3
After breakfast, you can enjoy the hotel’s green areas and prepare your luggage for the transfer to the airport, marking the end of our services.
Tamaño del grupo: 2 - 10
Día 1
After a 30-minute commercial flight, you will be welcomed at the airport by a specialized bird-watching guide. They will escort you to Hotel El Auca, where you’ll receive instructions to start your journey with a delightful Amazonian coffee. Following this, you’ll be transferred to the embarkation port to board our motorized boat to the lodge. Upon arrival, you’ll check into your room and have lunch. In the afternoon, we’ll explore nearby trails or take a canoe ride for bird watching. Return to the lodge, where our chef will be delighted to offer a wide variety of national and international cuisine catering to vegetarians and vegans.
Día 2
Breakfast at 4:30 am. Then, at 5 am, we set out for the Napo River, where we board a boat to visit the clay lick in the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve. Here, you’ll witness a magnificent sight as hundreds of parrots seek out holes to land and consume the clay, aiding their digestion. You’ll see Mealy Amazon, Yellow-crowned parrot, Blue-headed parrot, and dusky-headed parakeet. We continue with a hike and visit the Papagayos clay lick, where we’ll wait for these beautiful birds to descend for a drink of mineral-rich water. Here, you can observe scarlet macaw, Orange-cheeked parrot, and Cobalt-winged parakeet. Lunch and relaxation follow. In the afternoon, we continue our exploration of the southern part of the reserve, venturing into the heart of the jungle to experience bird life in the treetops from the 132-foot (40-meter) observation tower. So far, over 565 bird species have been recorded here, including colorful birds like macaws, toucans, honeycreepers, tanagers, flycatchers, hummingbirds, and more. Return to the lodge and have dinner.
Día 3
After breakfast, we’ll navigate the southern side of the Limoncocha Biological Reserve, venturing through Napo River tributaries to spot various river bird species such as flycatchers, Aracaris, Anis, Woodpeckers, woodcreepers, and more. Return and have lunch. In the afternoon, we’ll visit Limoncocha Lagoon, where more than 280 bird species are spotted daily. Designated as a Ramsar site, it’s a paradise for lagoon birds such as Herons, Cardinals, Flycatchers, Tanagers, Toucans, and more. Return and have dinner.
Día 4
After breakfast, return to the Napo River to board the boat and visit the Napo River islands to discover the species that inhabit these ecosystems. It’s essential to bring your binoculars for a better view. Lunch will be followed by a recap of the bird sightings along with a checklist. After dinner, there will be a nighttime owl-watching excursion.
Día 5
Breakfast at 5:30 am, followed by a return boat trip on the Napo River to El Coca. At 9:00 am, you’ll be transferred to the airport for your return flight to Quito. This concludes our services.
Group size: 2 – 10
Day 1: Welcome to Minta Lodge and the Shiripuno Community in Waorani Territory
In the heart of Yasuni National Park, an extraordinary adventure awaits you. Get ready to witness the natural spectacle of four species of macaws soaring over this incredible territory. Moreover, you’ll have the chance to listen to rarities like the elusive nocturnal paujón, the black-listed owl, and the majestic gray-winged trumpeters. You can also enjoy the enchanting call of the Great Potoo, the mysterious screeches of the Caracaras, the distinctive cow-like call of the Rufescent Tiger Heron, and the melodious serenade of the Pauraque.
Day 2: Immersion in the Amazon Rainforest
We start early with a walk along the trails to discover birds like the banded antshrike, the white-plumed antbird, and the sooty antbird. We’ll also explore the territories of the rare Banded Antwren, Waved Antshrike, Pearl-spotted Antbird, and Yellow-billed Jacamar. You’ll have the opportunity to admire the Striped Manakin and the Golden-headed Manakin. Lunch will be a delightful pause before we explore a flooded forest to search for the white-plumed antbird, long-billed woodcreeper, green-and-rufous kingfisher, and the chestnut-headed fledgling. Dinner and accommodation will provide a chance to recharge.
Day 3: Adventure from a Natural Overlook
A walk will take us to a natural overlook where we’ll have the opportunity to observe birds like the Chestnut Jacamar, Yellow-billed Nunbird, Yellow-bellied Tanager, Purple Honeycreeper, Shimmering Cotinga, Black-tailed Tityra, Yellow-browed Flycatcher, and Paradise Tanager.
Day 4: Navigation and Arrival at the Shiripuno Community
We’ll depart early in the morning to navigate the Napo River, where you’ll be treated to a spectacle of birds, including toucans, parrots, and macaws. We’ll arrive at the Shiripuno community to rest and prepare for more adventures.
Day 5: Encounter with Scarlet Macaws
After breakfast, a walk will take us to a natural salt lick where you can observe the majestic scarlet macaws, blue-and-yellow macaws, parrots, and parakeets, along with the ocellated woodcreeper, spotted puffbird, black-necked cotinga, slate-colored mourner, long-winged antwren, and other fascinating species. Lunch at the lodge and additional species searching in the afternoon.
Day 6: Bird Watching along the Shiripuno River
After breakfast, we’ll navigate back to Minta Lodge, where you’ll enjoy an afternoon of hiking. Along this trail, you’ll have the chance to spot mixed flocks of crimson-crested woodpecker, rufous-tailed antwren, barred woodcreeper, and more. Additionally, we’ll visit the lekking site of the blue-crowned manakin and the white-crowned manakin.
Day 7: Return to the City of Coca
After breakfast, we’ll pack our memories and embark on the journey back to the city of Coca, with hearts full of unforgettable experiences.
Join us for a unique adventure in the Amazon rainforest and discover the amazing world of birds at Minta Lodge!
¡Ven y descubre la magia que los Waorani tienen para compartir con el mundo! ¿Estás listo para embarcarte?
“Despierta tus sentidos y da rienda suelta a tu espíritu aventurero: Yasuní espera para deslumbrarte con su exuberancia y regalarte momentos inolvidables.
“Embárcate en un viaje épico a Jatuncocha, Tambococha o Cocaya en el Amazonas: explora las maravillas de la selva, despierta